I'm 12 weeks now, nothing much has been going on. I'm still tired, but now instead of going to be at 7:30, I go to bed at 8-8:30 now. I haven't had any real cravings so far except for coffee ice cream. As long as I have a couple of bites of that every night I am good to go! Graham and I both think we are having a girl, but he is still keeping hope that it will be a boy. I honestly don't care what the sex is, as long as it is healthy! As of today the baby weighs about half an ounce and is about the size of a lime (2 inches long). We heard the heartbeat a few weeks ago, that was SO amazing!! That is when it really felt real to me, we are going to have a baby!!!
This month is going to be really busy for us. This weekend we are going to see Ron White. Next weekend we are going to a friends engagement party and a B-day party. The following weekend we will be traveling to Georgetown, TN for Graham's cousin's wedding. Lots and lots to do this month!!