Monday, August 24, 2009

32 weeks

Well, I've had to go to the doctors a lot lately. I've been having issues with my heart, nothing big, but they still want to keep an eye on it. I had to wear a 24 hour monitor....with that they found out that my pulse would get up to 136, and I have an irregular heartbeat. So now I have to wear a 21 day monitor....I get that tomorrow. I just want to go back to having a great pregnancy!! Between the heart thing and my swelling...I'm ready for this pregnancy to be over!

Barrett is doing great still, so that is the most important thing. He is 3 1/2 pounds and 30cm long....also SO active! The sad thing is, I'm trying to figure out a schedule for him, and it's hard when it seems as though he is awake 24-7!

We get his furniture delivered on Wed....FINALLY! I'm so excited!

Other than that, life is pretty normal. I will post pictures of his nursery once everything is done, which if you know me it will all be done Wed. night!