Monday, July 27, 2009

7 Months and a Baby Shower!

So this weekend was my baby shower!! I had an amazing shower! It was thrown by 4 of my friends, Crystal, Julie, Nicole, and Ann. It was at the Tea Room in Arlington. They really went all out to make this whole experience special for me. We got a lot of things we needed and a lot of things that were just so cute! Thank you everyone!!!

Since the baby shower it has really hit me that he will be here in 2 1/2 months. It is so exciting and scary at the same time. The thing that excites me the most is to see Graham as a Dad. He is going to be such a wonderful Father. He is over protective now and Barrett is safe in my tummy!

I went to the doctor today and Barrett is now 2 1/2 lbs and about 14-15 inches long. I'm not excited about this test I have to take next week....The doctors need to find out if I have diabetes. Hopefully I pass the test, otherwise I have to take it over again, and that one will last 3 hours. I found out today that I've gained 16 pounds, which was scary for me, but the doctor said that I'm doing a great job so far. That made me feel better!

Here are some pictures!

7 Month Belly

My sister Jamie

My Beautiful Mom!

My Wonderful Mother n Law Laura

My Grandma!!

The Ragland Clan (My Aunt Deb, my Grandma, my cousin Courtney, and Jamie)

The girls that made this possible! Crystal, Nicole, Julie, and Ann! I love these girls!

Great Grandmothers and Grandmothers of Barrett!

Party favors and the menu!

Guest book....I bought a frame for it and it will go in Barrett's room

The personalized gifts....this one matches Barrett's room exactly!

1 comment:

Abby said...

You are looking AWESOME!!! Thank you for the sweet comments, I can only imagine how handsome your son is going to be! :) Im so excited for yall, and we totally need to catch up asap!!