Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Way too long!

I know it's been a very long time since I've posted anything.  Sorry about that!  Time has just been passing me by, and sometimes I feel like I need to grab something to try and make it slow down a bit.
My Grandfather has been recently been diagnosed with Cancer.  Luckily they caught pretty early on, so he should be okay.  He is a fighter; got pneumonia, and strep throat within the first week of his treatment.  He stayed in the hospital for several days with all that going on. He is doing better now, and is on his second round of chemo.
When something like this happens, it makes you take a step back and re-evaluate the things in your life.  I am fortunate to still have all of my Grandparents, and it petrifies me to think I could lose one.  My Grandma is being the rock that he needs, but I know she is terrified.  I couldn't imagine what that feels like!

Everything else is going well.  Graham's parents come down to visit as much as they can.  We miss them like crazy!  They recently came down for Graham's 30th birthday party.  We had a party for him at the Fox and the Hound, it was a great turn out.  It was wonderful to see everyone again!  So now my husband is 30, and I just turned 29.  It seems like just a couple of years ago Graham and I got married (he was 24 and I was 23),  BABIES.  I can't believe we've been together for almost 7 years.

Barrett (our pride and joy) will be 9 months old in a few days.  This is where I get really sad that the days pass by me.  I know its cleshay, but a few months ago he was in the NICU, and I was praying that nothing else went wrong so I could take him home, and now he's trying to walk. 
He is so amazing, and everyday is something new with him.  He started crawling at 7 months old, and as soon as he could figure out that he could crawl; he decided that wasn't good enough.  He wanted to start pulling up on EVERYTHING.  Now as he is standing, holding onto something, he wants to let go and see how long he can stand there.
He loves trying to get to Graham's stereo equipment!  That's his favorite, I think because he knows he's not suppose to touch it.  But yet, that doesn't stop him from trying!  He wants to explore anything and everything.

I've already started planning his first birthday.  Yes, I'm a little nuts, but anyone that knows me, knows I wouldn't be me if I didn't start now.  The guest list started out with 78 people; yes I know, no it isn't a small wedding!  I've managed to get it down to 40-50 people.  We'll see how many are able to come!  It's going to be bitter sweet; watching my baby boy turn a year old.

First time swimming! LOVES the water!
Say cheese!
Loves his walker!

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